Rabu, 27 Januari 2016

Tugas softskill 3 pengajaran bahasa inggris berbantuan komputer

Restu anindita fahrani

No 1 Type A
1. After John eaten dinner, he wrote several letters and went to bed.
                        A                     B                  C                    D
Answer : A. eaten
It should be (ate)
No 5 Type B
5. Please give me a few coffee and some donuts if you have any left.
                     A        B                          C                   D
Answer : B. a few
It should be (a little)
No 1 Type C
1. Daniel said that if he had to do homework tonight, he wouldn’t have been able to attend the 
                                               A                       B                      C                           D
Answer : B. tonight
Should not use tonight

Tugas softskill 2 pengajaran bahasa inggris berbantuan komputer

"The prototype would span 850 meters connecting Bandung's iconic tourism destinations Dago Station and Cihampelas, via Babakan Siliwangi Hill. The prototype will have 60 cabins with a capacity of 2400 people every hour" said Sandjaja as quoted by Jakarta Post.

Tugas softskill 1 pengajaran bahasa inggris berbantuan komputer

Sandjaja said the prototype would span 850 meters connecting Bandung's iconic tourism destinations Dago Station and Cihampelas, via Babakan Siliwangi Hill. The prototype will have 60 cabins with a capacity of 2400 people every hour.